The United Reformed Church is one where all members and Ministers are equal, there is no direct hierarchy. While we have Moderators (who perform some of the functions of a Bishop) at the end of their terms of office, they return to normal pastoral ministry, and everyone gets paid the same.
Local congregations are looked after by Elders, who attend to the pastoral care of congregations, arrange for preachers, take care of finance, the upkeep of buildings and support for the ministry of the Minister. The Minister is technically an Elder, who has the ministry of “Word & Sacrament” and is principally responsible for preaching, teaching and leading Communion.
The “leader” of the congregation is the Church Secretary ( Always an Elder) in conjunction with the Minister.
We also have Accredited Lay Preachers and Leaders, who are able to stand in when an ordained Minister is not available.
All Members have the right to vote on local and national issues.
You become a member by request or invitation, and make commitments to God, to following Jesus, and to the involvement of the church and its congregation.
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